Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Sorry for insulting your raspberry coffee Joshwah :-P

So, as what usually happens when I chew elements of my personal life over in my head, they've trickled into my writing. I wish it didn't work like this, but I have to get them out in order to write anything non-autobiographical. Otherwise, for some reason, I don't feel like I believe my own work.

Long story short, I'm finally writing something I feel good about, but I don't want to put it up here and incriminate certain parties (ooooh i sound detective-y). If you want to read it, drop me a line via email, AIM, whatever, otherwise I'll keep on keepin on in quiet.

i'm writing this at work fuck the system we're all getting free cars wahhhhhh!

1 comment:

J.A.G. said...

I want Oprah to give me a free apartment. Who needs a car in the city?