Monday, March 9, 2009

This is my 50th post!

And it was my first day of work!

Let's just say it starts with Freddie Flintstone and ends with Big Mac (hee i'm clever), and no one knows what the f is going on. I've been told that I have to tell customers how to figure out whether they have a loan with us, but the people who call have about fifty million other questions.

One lady called sobbing, and one told me her house was going to be sold on Wednesday if someone didn't help. And all I could do was write down their contact info and tell them someone would call them within the next two days. It sucked, times a thousand.

So yeah, it's kind of a trip, and I don't have to wake up super early for it, or come home super late like at the Shakespeare Theatre. Plus daylight savings time is nice so it's not even dark when I go home. And there's money! I'm so paranoid though, all I want to do is stash it away.

Anywho, that's enough of a life update for now. Love you all.

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