Sunday, December 7, 2008

Current Obsessions:
-Lady GaGa, especially this song
-100 calorie bags of Reese's Pieces
-Britney! (duh) Circus isn't as good as Blackout, but it gets really close.

On Friday I had to wake up at 5:00, go to Capitol Hill and stand outside until my feet went numb. This is the magic of linestanding. You show up at the crack of dawn and wait in line until other people show up and take your place. Then you get paid.

It wasn't nearly as bad as it sounds. Okay, the waking up part really sucked, but that was it. Thankfully a guy I'd already worked with showed up too, and we talked the whole time. Apparently, I'm hilarious. :P

Afterwards there was a temp agency party (cheesy but cute), so we went over to Georgetown and wandered around until it started. The office was so cute, covered in poinsettias, and everyone there was super friendly, dressed up in uber-Christmas crap. There was amazing cider and sugar cookies, and they even gave us little silver wine stoppers for presents.

And then I passed out for 11 years.

The rest of the weekend was uneventful, except for randomly wanting to write today. I need to ingest caffeine more often.

Doopdoopdoop trying to stay positive. Thanks for listening and being supportive/wonderful. You know who you are :)

1 comment:

Connie said...

Caroline! I found your blog through other people's blogs...I hope that's not too sketchy!

I'd just like to point out that 100 calorie bags of everything are amazing...I spend far too much money on them.

Miss you!