Tuesday, September 8, 2009

none of this makes sense

I like weird foods. Like:

-Avocado (I guess that's not that weird)
-Cottage Cheese (<3333 for life)
-Artichoke hearts

The only food I don't really like are olives. So no dirty martinis for me. *tears*

Today at work someone called in and she asked to be transferred. The extension was busy. When I came back to the original line to tell her, a MAN answered instead. WHAT THE FUCK.**

Infinite Jest status: 850 out of 1079. ***

I did the math earlier, and the footnotes of this book make up about 100 pages. I have 2 left. The book itself is about 983 pages. And I'm on 850. Holy crap. The end is closer than originally expected.

And I can safely say this is one of my favorite books ever, though it is certainly not without its flaws.

Tea instead of coffee makes for a mellower Carrie Fab. I like that feeling.

So what's up with you guys? When are you gonna visit me? *bats lashes*

*just kidding.
**unnecessary emotional escalation.
***end notes in memoriam of my beloved, DFW.

1 comment:

J.A.G. said...

Will you be in DC for Thanksgiving or in Ohio?