Thursday, September 24, 2009

For lack of my own creative thinking, I'd like to cite something cool and inspiring. Leave it to the NY Times to provide just that with an article on Coco Chanel as a "post-feminist." Whatever that even means.. I just thought she was fantastic, and this quote in particular resonated with me:

“She never knows what is going to happen next and she has no protection, so she must fight against her destiny and create a new way not just to dress, but to be.”

Wow, you mean even the most fabulous woman ever had to fight tooth and nail to get there? Well then surely anyone can do the same, right?

In other news, my new job is great! My boss is a little crazy, but some of the people who come in are fantastic. The other night a lady dropped $600 on stuff she'd be wearing on a trip to New York City, and guess who gets comission! *ding ding ding me!*)

I'm also inspired today by the unabashed off-the-wall-ness of quirky London fashion, courtesy of one of my *favorite* blogs, The Sartorialist. No regard for convention, how things are "supposed to look" in order to look good. It's crazy, and crazy refreshing.

I think my favorite part of this is the leggings. So unique! And I didn't know you could layer leggings! What will they think to layer next! Bras? Shoes? They already got to everything else!

Anyway, in my own bout of craziness, I purchased the following:

I love it.. but hope it doesn't make me look like I'm wearing a Halloween costume.. I'll let you know when I try it out!

Hrm Hrm... That's all for now.. Love you all!

Monday, September 21, 2009

I love The Stranger. I wish there was a newspaper in DC that was cool enough to make compelling stories out of ideas that aren't really news. And no, I'm sorry, The Washington City Paper doesn't count, even though it has Dan Savage too. It's just not the same.

Anyway, they had a cool article today. And I wanted to share it. It's from an article entitled "How to Be a Person Who Isn't a Failure," and you can read it in full right here.

"How to Be an Artist

Have an idea. You can't just make something pretty. You also can't make the same thing year after year and call yourself an artist, unless you are boring down into that thing and getting lost in it to such an extent that you keep finding new sedimentary layers that blow your mind and the minds of people who don't even know you (for an example of this style of career, consider Jeffrey Simmons).

Look at the artists who are important in Seattle and in the world (look, look, look; read, read, read), and figure out what you really think about them, not just what other people tell you to think (also note: If you hate a thing other people love merely because other people love it, then you are not gaining any freedom or building any intelligence).

Allow for a certain amount of snottiness in general, because artists are misfits in American culture and occasionally need a certain amount of snottiness just to survive their mostly moneyless, vulnerable lives that are looked upon with universal suspicion. Plainly, your work has to make sense and also has to be irreducibly mysterious in some (even slight) way. If you understand it completely, it may not be worth doing.

As for fashion, wear what you actually want to wear; fuck trends, because it won't matter anyway. If your work is amazing, you are an amazing artist, even if you dress like a goth. (But must you?)"

Have a happy Monday!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Oh my gosh, I'm excited today! A couple days ago I started putting my writing on, and Through the Rip Hole Down has been rated #1 in its category! Out of 47!

I.. did not see this happening. When I first tried to post it they pulled it off because of swearing. But apparently if you clean it, they will come! *happy dance* Have a lovely Wednesday!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Infinite Jest status: 1079 out of 1079

I finished your book on the day you died.

It is a literary trainwreck, a failed entertainment, but that's exactly what he wanted.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

none of this makes sense

I like weird foods. Like:

-Avocado (I guess that's not that weird)
-Cottage Cheese (<3333 for life)
-Artichoke hearts

The only food I don't really like are olives. So no dirty martinis for me. *tears*

Today at work someone called in and she asked to be transferred. The extension was busy. When I came back to the original line to tell her, a MAN answered instead. WHAT THE FUCK.**

Infinite Jest status: 850 out of 1079. ***

I did the math earlier, and the footnotes of this book make up about 100 pages. I have 2 left. The book itself is about 983 pages. And I'm on 850. Holy crap. The end is closer than originally expected.

And I can safely say this is one of my favorite books ever, though it is certainly not without its flaws.

Tea instead of coffee makes for a mellower Carrie Fab. I like that feeling.

So what's up with you guys? When are you gonna visit me? *bats lashes*

*just kidding.
**unnecessary emotional escalation.
***end notes in memoriam of my beloved, DFW.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Oh man, I'm sorry, I haven't written in almost a month! The recent busy-ness in my life has been EPIC. But fun :) Here's a recap!

-Heather and I moved!!!!!!! And I lovvvvvvvvve our new apartment! It's right in the middle of a really fun, youthful, urban area, and I have to fight not to spend tons of money at all the local restaurants. Yesterday I went to Harris Teeter (or Harris Tweeter, as my mom thought it was called), and revelled in being around people MY OWN AGE. Even if a lot of them were yupsters. Whatevs.

-I got a new job!! Working at Pea in a Pod with Edom, selling designer maternity clothes. Insert Caroline-hates-children-and-this-is-therefore-ironic joke here. But the way I see it, if they're in the womb, and not making noise, that's fine by me.

And.. fingers crossed.. I'll be getting a new full time one... but shhhh

-I'm technically at work right now so I have to go but I love you all ahhhhh!