I found a fun little meme thing to keep me occupied on this rainy day. If you are reading this, you are officially tagged. If you do not have a blog, put it in my comments, cuz I'm nosy :)
What is your current obsession?
oh my goodness, i have a few. lady gaga. animal collective. putting hot cocoa powder in my coffee. david foster wallace.
What's for dinner?
pasta! i just need to decide what kind first.
What's the last thing you bought?

modcloth :)
What are you listening to right now?
The last song on my ipod was Guest Room by the National
If you could go anywhere in the world for the next hour, where would you go?
i'd teleport to china, find jess harvey, and vent about the craziness in our lives. i miss her so much
What's your favorite quote (for now)?
I've got two...
"I find it so much easier to be creatively free at night. Daytime is for sleeping. Nighttime is the best time for making art. The later at night it gets the further into another world you go." - Mark Ryden
"And day by day I filled my world with more words and more dreams and my heart became a place where I could escape to and talk to you (whoever you might turn out to be) and hold you close." -Rob Ryan
What's your favorite piece of clothing in your own wardrobe?
I love it all.. seriously.. although recently I've fallen back in love with my black nylons.
What's your dream job?
something with theatre or writing.. maybe like a creative writing professor
What's your worst habit?
I worry too much...
Do you admire anyones style?
I really really like Alexa Chung. And Raquel Zimmerman always looks fabulous. And Lady Gaga. Duh.
Describe your personal style?
Sort of a mod Twiggy hippie. Who showers.
What are your favorite movies?
The Royal Tenenbaums. Clockwork Orange. The Diving Bell and the Butterfly. Anything else on my Facebook page.
What inspires you?
Love. Passion. Fearless quirkiness.
What's your favorite book?
The Broom of the System. Lolita. Lady Chatterley's Lover. I tend to like illicit classics :)
Do you collect something?
Random adventures
What do you like most about yourself?
that my imagination can be fucking crazy.
What's your go-to nail polish color?
none! naked nails babay!
Your turn :)