Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Reasons why January is going to be great:

-Josh visiting!!!
-Seeing my sketchy girls in Williamsburg!!!
-New job! Doing phonathons for a local theatre company. I get free tickets to their shows! And bonuses and stuff! And money on top of temping! Yay!

All of a sudden I'm writing a lot more. It feels good.

So I was wondering where all my hair ties were going. Turns out, under the cat's litter box.

And holy crap she just poked out from behind the TV. Spooker!


J.A.G. said...

I'm confused. You have another profile and another fashion blog out there in the blogosphere. Is this like My Own Worst Enemy? Are you a schizoid??

Belkis said...

Maybe I should be a temp, getting free tickets sounds like fun. Of course, I guess as a sub I am one anyway.

Connie said...

My apartmentmate and I have a kitten who loves hair ties. They are pretty much what she lives for. Best of all, she fetches them when we launch them down the hallway...she'll actually go sprinting after them and come trotting back to you and drop it on your lap. It's adorable...and has the potential to keep her (and us) entertained for hours. :-)