Tuesday, November 4, 2008

[insert mandatory yelling-at-you-to-vote-crap here!]

I love being called Temp as if it's my real name. It makes me want to call the other person Asshole.

I read that some people in San Francisco were stealing ballots that voted no on Proposition 8. Classic example of delusion. You make a big shit show about letting your voice be heard and then silence someone else's. How American.

Also, I think the concept of donating your facebook status does nothing productive. At this point, people know who they're voting for, where they're voting, and where they're getting their stupid free Krispy Kreme or Starbucks or Ben and Jerry's. If they don't, chances are they're not going to come to a glorious epiphany by looking at your profile. It's all a gimmick to make the masses feel special. Palahniuk's throwing up right now.

I can be a super cynic, but still got a cheesy, quiet little thrill after voting. Now I'm throwing up. At myself.


hixi said...

I would like to say that my status is not telling people to vote so much as telling all the republicans on facebook to stop making their status say something rude (one person said if you vote for obama you support wright and ayers etc). Shame on them!

J.A.G. said...

I think it's important to make your voice heard if you have something to say, but I see what you're getting at. I enjoyed my free Starbucks very much, thanks. They put a shot of raspberry in.

Liz said...

I donated my status to Stephen Colbert.