Thursday, February 26, 2009

On the metro tonight, I ran into someone I hadn't seen in three freaking years. And he was so nice! And so funny and not awkward! I love when stuff like that happens.

I also love yoga. It's Vonnegut's quote whenever you do it- everything's beautiful and nothing hurts. You just look out the window and think "why was I pissed off about anything to begin with?"

And I'm getting better at it! There's this one move I thought would be impossible- you basically sit Indian style, arms through your legs, balancing on your hands. At first I was like hah sure that's cute, but now I can actually do it! And hold it for three seconds! Woopee!

And I decided on what I'm giving up for Lent. Hangovers.

Monday, February 23, 2009

So I don't know what to give up for Lent. Last year I think I tried giving up boys (didn't work) and drinking (also didn't work). Then two years ago I didn't really grasp the whole only-give-up-one-thing concept, so bye bye went Facebook, ice cream, gossip blogs, and coffee. With mono, I don't know how I gave up coffee and survived, or at least stayed awake.

But now I don't overdo it anymore with booze or boys, and I don't really eat meat or sweets unless I'm out somewhere. And I don't smoke. Basically I'm super freaking boring.

Maybe I should give up being a goodie goodie. Just get really really fat and smoke like a chimney. Yummay

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Ahhhh tonight was so much fun! Went to work, and then to the opening night party for Dog in the Manger. FREE drinks, FREE food, mingling with the cast and snooty patrons, and I got to see Tim Kaufmann! He's very busy and important now and wears fancy suits, but still says oh my goodness :)

Also found out that the people I work with are HILARIOUS. Especially Mike, who I found out has my metro stop! So we died laughing and talking on our freaking long commute and it was amazing.

I love when stuff is randomly wonderful. I'd been worried I was getting numb. Still am about some things..

Perfect night!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Happy almost Valentine's Day!

Cake Wrecks
is the best blog ever.

Monday, February 9, 2009

ain't nothin sweet about me

New blog layout! The blue was a little bit much for me and this is light and fresh so yay.

Heather and I have been getting destroyed by a Karen Voigt workout dvd. The other day we opened up all the windows and with the breeze and the smell of fresh air we almost didn't notice that we were getting our asses handed to us by a lady who probably isn't human.

Current obsessions:
-"Sweet About Me" by Gabrilla Cilmi
-sites that pay you for filling out surveys. Thanks Megan ;)
-unseasonable warmth!

Current un-obsessions:
-Valentine's Day
-Tom Cruise

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Chris Brown assaulted Rihanna? Really? Fucking really?!?!?!

Even the perfect ones have to deal with shit.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

I've been major OD-ing on Stanley Kubrick.

Eyes Wide Shut sucks, but 2001 is perfect. Completely. Utterly. Perfect. Shit.

Dr. Strangelove will scare the shit out of you and Clockwork Orange is still my favorite. <3<3<3

Now to go sleep forever.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

everybody go watch clockwork orange!

Nothing to say so here's a picture of a panda.

And another

And another because I feel like it!

I guess two out of three of those weren't technically pandas. Oh well. Happy Sunday!