Friday, October 31, 2008

Today was better. I had stuff to do and people were nice to me.

AND they hired someone permanent so I'm done with those crazies in a week!

Happy Halloweeeeeen! I'll be Sarah Palin parasailin.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

I don't like this. And I don't like that it has to be "just life."

Yes, I'm whiny. I don't care.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

I started a new job today and had a big freak out. They didn't have anything for me to do, so I sat there until 5:30 doing nothing. The sun was down by the time I got home.

Commence meltdown sequence: "Ahhh I'm a zombie in a cubicle chained to a desk why is this all there is to life?!"

Long story short, I got it all out of my system, and now I'm okay. I have really fantastic friends and family who listen to my rants and put my ass back in gear.

I have the position for four weeks. It's going to be okay and won't be like this forever. Just have to remember to breeeathe.

Holy shit it's windy outside!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

I pretended to be a tourist today. Other than that I'm boring.

I want to go jump in a fountain.

Friday, October 24, 2008

hummus is my hot hot sex

Josh tells me I don't update enough. It's been sort of a busy week. Working at events is the best thing ever because of the free food- salmon kabobs, hummus, fresh fruit, little plastic shot glasses of chocolate mousse. Foodgasm.

It was sooooo nice to sleep today though. Omigosh. Waking up at 5:45 has been less than fun.

Went to a film festival type thing at the Archives last night about Canadian animation. After the boring pretentious members-of-the-board-ego-stroking it was freaking amazing. It showed how innovative the methods of creation were, even in the 50's. Those Paul vs. Tony things aren't quite as innovative as they look, because people were doing that fifty-six years ago.

They could get away with a lot more content-wise too, even in the more conservative decades. As long as you called it art, you could pull off stuff like male nudity, or even someone murdering their entire family. You could literally say anything and not get censored.

I'd heard of this really creepy looking cartoon called "Madame Tutli-Putli," and I finally got to see it today. It's basically a woman stumbling onto misadventures on a train, like Nightmare Before Christmas meeting the 1940's. Sooooooooo good. The animators (2 guys) worked on it for 5 years, slaving every day in a darkened room to create this beautifully unique nightmare, and still didn't win the Oscar.

That went to a large-scale, public-friendly animated version of Peter and the Wolf.

I mean, that's fine and all, but it would have been cool if an unbridled burst of imagination had beaten something that was only done to please the mainstream.

Anyway, you can watch it here, and you should, even though it's scary. It's worth it.

Friday, October 17, 2008

I'm gonna be Sarah Palin for Halloween. Then I'm gonna play a drinking game with myself.

Then I'm gonna get Mavericky on your ass.
So what am I doing with my life? Eating rice cakes. Like, a ton of them. Can't nobody shove away them cakes like me.

This weekend we're either going to a Georgia O'Keefe exhibit or OctoBeerFest. Or maybe both. Go drink 8 beers and look at hoo-ha paintings. Yayyyyy puns.

Hmmm what other titillating goodness can I put on here? I rode the metro for about an hour yesterday, after my bus whizzed past me. Then had a beer and a crabcake slider for free. Thanks Heather ;)

I'm finally getting a story idea that doesn't suck that much! Stay tuned!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

I finally found some work! And it was so much easier than I expected. Woo hoo temp agencies! Next week I'm working at some weird official-sounding conference on Homeland Security. It sounds important, but I'm just going to sit outside and stuff goodie bags. Then direct people-traffic.

I'm directing the traffic of Homeland Security! If I don't tell them the right place to go, they could all get lost and confused and then Terror Level Orange.

Abrupt conclusion!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

I guess I should do a proper first entry. Just moved to Falls Church on Thursday, and this week I'm going to explore the wild world of temping. The applications take forever and are super duper fun oh yes. This whole transition thing is a little scary, but the apartment and roommate have worked out wonderfully, so that helps calm me down.

Maybe I should put stories in here? I don't really know yet. It's been a while since I've written something I don't dismiss as crap. Sometimes a story has too little space for too many ambitions.

What else? I went shopping in Georgetown yesterday, was a yuppie and went to Urban Outfitters. The lady at the register messed up at first and said my total was $20 more than it was supposed to be. Wee! Other than that, I love Georgetown, especially the restaurants. After shopping Heather and I ate our weight in pizza. Lurrvely.

Doop doop doop, I'll update more later.
Look at my new blog! It's pretty and pink and stereotypically feminine!
